Greek mythology tells of the Moirae, the three sisters of fate who control each mortal's destiny...

Our version of the Moirae (our very own trio of daughters) is the inspiration behind launching a family owned brewery. We want to contribute to our local community - in times of celebration, reconnection, collaboration and relaxation. It's a legacy that we're building for our family, one pint at a time.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date on our launch.

The Journey To Moirae

After sampling Jack D’or by Pretty Things Beer and Ale Project back in 2012, co-owner Zach knew he had found his new hobby. That began his extensive study of beer styles and brewing science, peppered with trips all throughout New England checking out taprooms and breweries to see what other brewers were delivering directly to customers.  

After 2 kids and 5 years living in suburban Boston, Zach and his wife Ariela moved back to the West coast in 2016. They explored various craft beer-oriented ventures but it wasn't until 2019 after they had their third kid and decided to plant roots in El Dorado Hills that they set their sights on opening their own brewery. Then the pandemic hit and plans ground to a halt. Zach used the time to fine tune his hobby, trying out new recipes and contributing to the local homebrew community.

A lifelong learner of beer and brewing, Zach is a Certified Cicerone and Certified Beer Judge through the worldwide Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP). Co-owner Ariela has spent the last 7 years at Cisco, leading teams that redesign the customer experience. Their talents blend seamlessly to build a solid foundation for Moirae Brewing.

Our Beers

As a homebrewer, Zach’s award winning recipes have garnered numerous accolades. Our beers will be available soon at local restaurants, taprooms and bottle shops so stay tuned on Instagram and Facebook to learn where you can get a taste of Moirae Brewing!